NO to multilane urban highways!

Posted: September 16, 2013 in Uncategorized
An elderly woman and her 12 year old grandson killed while crossing the 6-lane Bhaktapur road. Note that dozens were already killed after the road is widened to 6-lane. This is exactly why we need to oppose construction of multilane highways through the dense urban settlements. Bigger roads are not people-friendly- they are recipes of disaster. Just imagine the plights of thousands of people crossing that road stretch everyday.

Beware that more roads Tinkune-Maitighar road stretch and Ring Road are being expanded to 8-lane highways. We gotta to oppose these projects and demand more people friendly road infrastructures- bigger roads not equal to better mobility. Do not tell me that bigger and chillo motor roads symbolizes the prosperity of the country. And do not tell me that the government should build overhead bridge for pedestrian crossing.

When the government and so-called development partner can build one of the expensive 6-lane roads for vehicles, how come they not install simple solar street lamps for pedestrians? The government, Department of Roads and JICA have bloods in their hands!

६ लेन सडकले परिवारमै अँध्यारो

भक्तपुर – बूढामावलीमा भोज खाएर शुक्रबार साँझ १२ वर्षे सलिम प्रजापति हजुरआमा, आमा र काकीसँग फर्कंदै थिए। शंखधरचोकमा उनले आमा र काकीलाई घर जाने बस चढाए। साढे ७ बजिसकेकाले आफू भने हजुरआमालाई डोर्‍याउँदै बाटो काट्न लागे। बाटो छिचोल्न तीन पाइला मात्र बाँकी थियो। तीव्र गतिमा आएको मोटरसाइकलले दुवैलाई ठक्कर दियो।सलिमले हजुरआमालाई घरसम्म पुर्‍याउनै पाएनन्।

तीनकुने–सूर्यविनायक ६ लेन सडकमा शुक्रबार साँझ ६२ वर्षीया हजुरआमा केशरीमायासँगै सलिमले जेब्रा क्रसिङमै ज्यान गुमाए। उनी स्थानीय प्यारागन एकडेमीमा कक्षा ६ मा पढ्थे।

थिमिस्थित बूढामावलीमा भोज खाएर आमा, काकी र हजुरआमासँगै सलिम साँझ ७ बजेतिर निस्किएका थिए। रात परेकाले हजुरआमाको साथी बनेर उनी आमासँग छुट्टिएका थिए। ‘आमा र काकीलाई शंखधरचोकबाट च्याम्हसिंहको बस चढाएर हजुरआमासँग नयाँ थिमि जाँदै थियो,’ बुबा सिद्धान्तले भने, ‘हजुरआमालाई साथी छैन, म लिएर जान्छु। भोलि बिहान फर्कन्छु भन्दै थियो रे। कहिल्यै नफर्केने गरी गयो।’
उनका अनुसार एकैचोटि आमा र छोरा गुमाएकी सूर्यकेशरी छिनमा होस आउने र छिनमा अर्धचेत हुने गरेकी छन्।
सडक ६ लेन भएसँगै तीनकुने–सूर्यविनायक खण्डमा दुर्घटना संख्या बढेको छ। सवारी तीव्र गतिमा गुड्छन्। बत्ती नभएकाले सडकमा पैदल यात्रु भए–नभए ठम्याउन उनीहरूलाई मुस्किल पर्छ। सडक व्यवस्थापनको जिम्मा पाएको ट्राफिक प्रहरीसँग सवारीको गति नाप्ने यन्त्रसम्म छैन।
‘सलिम र उनकी हजुरआमा जेब्रा क्रसिङबाट सडक पार गर्दै थिए,’ सल्लाघारीका ट्राफिक प्रहरी निरीक्षक राजेन्द्र पोखरेलले भने, ‘तीव्र गतिमा आएको मोटरसाइकलले दुवैलाई ठक्कर दियो।’
घटनास्थल निरीक्षण गरेर फर्केका उनका अनुसार दुवैले बाटो काट्न तीन पाइला मात्र बाँकी थियो। मोटरसाइकलको ठक्करले दुवैलाई उछिट्यायो। सडक ६ लेनको भएकाले चालकहरूले तीव्र गतिमा हाँक्ने गरेको उनले बताए। गति नियन्त्रण गर्न असमर्थ रहेको लाचारी पनि उनको थियो।
‘राडर गन (गति जाँच्ने मेसिन) बिग्रेको एक महिना भयो,’ उनले भने, ‘राडर गन नहँुदा पनि दुर्घटना बढेको छ।’ यस क्षेत्रमा महिनामा २० भन्दा बढी दुर्घटना हुने गरेको उनले सुनाए।
एसएच कलेजचोक नजिक भएको शुक्रबारको दुर्घटनामा मोटरसाइकल चालक सप्तरीका राहुलकुमार साह घाइते छन्। भक्तपुरस्थित इन्जिनियरिङ कलेजमा पढ्ने उनको राजधानीस्थित अन्नपूर्ण न्यूरो अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको छ।
घाइते राहुलले सडकमा केही नदेखेकाले दुर्घटना भएको बताएका छन्। ‘मैले सडकमा केही देखिन भन्दै चालक कराउँदै थिए,’ ट्राफिक प्रहरी निरीक्षक पोखरेलले भने, ‘मापसे चेक गर्दा उसले रक्सी सेवन गरेको पनि देखिएन। रातको समयमा सडक बत्ती नभएकाले दुर्घटना भएको हुन सक्छ।’
रातको समयमा सडक पार गर्न समस्या परेको भन्दै स्थानीय सडकबत्तीको माग गरेको निकै भयो। सरोकारवाला निकायले बेवास्ता गर्दै आएको छ।
‘हामीले धेरैपटक बत्तीको माग गर्‍यौं, तर पूरा भएन,’ नयाँ थिमिका जीवन श्रेष्ठले भने, ‘बालबालिका र वृद्धवृद्धालाई बाटो काट्न निकै समस्या छ।’ सडकबत्तीको माग गर्दै स्थानीयले शनिबार राजमार्ग बन्दसमेत गराएका थिए।
काठमाडौं–भक्तपुर सडक विस्तार आयोजनाले भने रकम अभावले बत्ती हाल्न नसकेको बताउँदै आएको छ। ‘हामीले लागत रिपोर्ट तयार गरेर दुई वर्षअघि नै सम्बन्धित निकायमा फाइल पठाएका हौं,’ आयोजनाका इन्जिनियर किरण कार्कीले भने, ‘अहिले सम्म कतैबाट बजेट आएको छैन।’
उनका अनुसार सडकबत्तीका लागि करिब १० करोड खर्च लाग्छ। जापानले दुई अर्बभन्दा बढी खर्चेर सडक बनाइदिए पनि नेपाल सरकारले बत्तीको व्यवस्था गर्न सकेको छैन।


अहिलेको देशको राजनीति, समाज र प्रकृतिलाई चित्रण गरेर आमाले लेख्नु भएको एउटा छोटो कबिता।

mom's poem


Cycle city

Posted: February 8, 2013 in Uncategorized

(Published in The Kathmandu Post, 18 January 2013)

Prashanta Khanal

If Kathmandu is pedestrian and cycle-friendly, there’s no need to invest massive resources on roads and mass transit


JAN 18 –

Around 30 percent of urban households own bicycles whereas less than 28 percent own private vehicles.  In fact, a mere four percent own cars, according to the 2011 National Census Report. However, the planners have overlooked this fact and failed to recognise cycling as an integral part of urban transport planning. The roads are often built only for motor vehicles. With bigger roads and increasing motorisation, the roads have become unsafe for cyclists. A study even shows that the travel mode share of cycles in Kathmandu Valley has dropped from 6.6 percent in 1991 to 1.5 percent in 2011.

Once a means of mobility for higher-class people, cycles are now perceived as a poor’s man vehicle. The bourgeois urban society often looks down on people who walk or cycle. More people are shifting from walking and cycling to private vehicles for their daily mobility. Increasing motorisation has choked the city with polluted air and led to increased health costs, road fatalities and fossil fuel dependency. It has drained massive amounts of resources on expensive road and parking infrastructures.

Cycling is typically invisible in urban transport planning. Planners often cite lower mode share of cycles as an excuse to not build cycle lanes. They are ignorant that the falling share of cycling is the repercussion of the way they have designed road space, which primarily benefits motor vehicles and are unsafe for cyclists.

The right-of-way space needed for cyclists in already congested roads is another excuse. This issue is only a matter of what we prioritise first—people or vehicles? If we prioritise vehicles, there will never be space for pedestrians and cyclists. It is ethical in every way for pedestrians and a cyclist to take up road space, which is currently exclusively enjoyed by motor vehicles, to provide them with safer spaces to move. It will eventually make the street more efficient and decreases traffic as well.

But the paradox is that transport planners seem to need more roads, urban highways and flyovers to solve traffic congestion and meet the future demands of private motor vehicles. Even after all these experiences from cities around the world and our own transport planning approach, policy makers and planners are yet to realise that urban transport problems can’t be simply solved by building more road infrastructures, and that we need a radical new approach to solve these problems.

Cycling is pro-poor mobility, and cycle-friendly cities are more humane and liveable. It brings the rich and poor together to share common urban space, and promotes social cohesion. Cycle lanes are an issue of social equity—those using cycles have equal rights to the public space enjoyed by richer people in cars. As former mayor of Bogota Enrique Penalosa said, “a cycle lane is a symbol that shows that a citizen on a $30 bicycle is equally important as a citizen in a $30,000 car”.

The Department of Roads has recently decided to make a provision for a cycle track from Tinkune to Maitighar, which was actually planned 10 years ago but failed to materialise. It should be noted, however, that to make Kathmandu a city safe to cycle in, the government needs to build an entire network of cycling infrastructures, not just a cycle track. Although, the Secretary at the Ministry of Physical Planning, Works and Transport Management has pledged to build 100 km of cycle lanes within 10 years in a television interview, no plan or strategy towards that end exists as of today.

Chief Secretary Leelamani Poudel, a cycle enthusiast, openly called for everyone to cycle to work. But, more importantly, what he ought to do is to ensure that the roads are safe for cycling. He ought to ensure that every road that is being widened in the city has a provision for cycle tracks, and should proactively push for cycle-inclusive transport policies.


Learn to leapfrog

European and North American cities adopted the same destructive urban planning policy as Kathmandu is implementing today back in the 1960’s and 70’s. They dismantled settlements and built wider roads and urban highways to create more space for cars. But since then, they have realised their mistakes and have made a paradigm shift in transport planning by shifting focus from moving vehicles to moving people. This learning provides an opportunity for developing cities like Kathmandu to avoid mistakes and leapfrog to a more sustainable path.

Copenhagen is regarded as one of the world’s most cycle-friendly cities. Cycling is more than simply a mode of mobility there—it is a culture. 36 percent of all journeys to work, school and university are entirely done on cycles. The city government has set an ambitious goal to increase cycling share to 50 percent by 2015.  The calculated cost that society saves in Denmark for each kilometre cycled is US $0.5, which means shifting people from cars to cycle is an excellent investment for the nation as well.

In the Netherlands, there are more cycles than there are people. Over 60 percent of inner city trips and 38 percent of trips in the greater city area is made by cycles in Amsterdam. They have dismantled multi-lane, one-way systems, reduced four-lane motor roads to two-lane, and core city areas have been made car-free to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists. There are no six-lane roads and flyovers inside the city, and it has very few four-lane roads. Car parking areas have been turned into bicycle parking areas. With the reduction of road width and introduction of a network of high-quality cycling and pedestrian infrastructures, the city’s mobility is better than ever and road safety has improved dramatically. This has been possible because of pro-bicycle policies.

Kathmandu Valley is a relatively smal city. The dense urban settlements are within the periphery of three-to-five km from the central area. Average journeys are less than five km, which is a walk-able and cycle-able distance. If only we can make this city pedestrian and cycle-friendly, we need not invest massive amount of resources on road infrastructures and mass transit.

(This article is dedicated to all those individuals who dare to cycle for daily mobility despite the safety concerns, and to Prahlad Yonzon and other cyclists who lost their lives while benefiting society.)